Ladder of Acacia
Official Monument of the Tafaria Castle Arboretum in Kenya
Welded Metal, Paint, Rock
30ft x 13ft x 2 ft
The Acacia tree and the DNA strand are icons, or symbols in Mohr’s work to represent the unity of the African Diaspora across continents. The plant is native to many parts of Africa, but in the United States, it is most associated with Kenya, the birthplace of humanity. This sculpture depicts an Acacia seed pod that has fallen from the sky, in a moment when it is about to land on earth and discourse it’s seeds. The seed pod is composed of a DNA double helix stem attached to an Acacia seed shell body. The DNA stem unwinds as it connects to the shell, forming a ladder with seeds representing different countries of the diaspora descending towards the ground, with one having landed and is about to take root. Each of the 7 seeds brandish a flag of a country of the diaspora. The static sculpture gives the illusion of time as the seeds descend in the order of recent history for Americans and Caribbeans to West Africa and ultimately to Kenya, the birthplace of humanity. That original seed of humankind can be found on the ground and illuminated with light. When viewed from the right angle, the top of the stem can be seen cradling the sun, which plants rely on to take root. Similarly, we as people also rely on the sun to survive and it has illuminated paths we’ve followed throughout history to to attain sustenance and resources, leading us to venturing into different parts of the world. Mohr, as most Black people in the States shares ancestry from West Africa. To inform this project properly, Mohr spent 2022 visiting his recent ancestral land of Grenada in the Caribbean, then the West African Countries: Ghana, Benin, Togo and Nigeria and included these countries in this monument, erected in Kenya in 2023. Unfortunately due to the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, many in the Diaspora from North America have had their roots severed and are unaware of where in Africa their ancestors came from, but we know that the original roots of humanity trace back to Kenya. I hope that this work serves as a welcoming billboard inviting the diaspora from the US, Caribbean, and even West Africa to see their connection to the fertile soil that gave rise to human kind.