On the Front Lines

This series is a continuation of the “Trophies of War: Kingdom Light” series which was presented at Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts (EFA) during Mohr’s SHIFT residency. This work consists of Pawns sculptures caught in between two kingdoms, with the final series, “Atrophy Kingdom” unveiling at Bronx Museum in early 2024 as the culminating show following his Bronx AIM Fellowship. This highlights the war that often results from groups who attempt to subjugate others, and accrue captives who end up being used as defense against the opposing side.

“White Fortress”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 1”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 2”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 3”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 4”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 5”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 6”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage

“Pawn 7”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 8”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage

“Pawn 9”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 10”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage

“Pawn 11”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 12”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage

“Pawn 13”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage 

“Pawn 14”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage

“Pawn 15”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage

“Pawn 16”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage

“Black Fortress”

Photography collage printed on window cling adhered to object assemblage