This series is an original creation myth narrative by Dario Mohr loosely inspired by the mother of the Earth (Gaia), The Bible, as well Homo Deus (A book by Yuval Harari). In this narrative, the story begins with the Black mother of nature and humanity sitting atop her Acacia tree throne, providing lifeblood to her organic children. Due to the treachery and defiance of her creation, a new breed of human upgrades (self genetically mutated super humans) turn on her in hopes to claim her throne and posess her powers of immortality and dominion over the Earth. Their greed blinds them from the inevitable fate of their destruction, while Gaia’s retreats to slowly replenish herself in the ocean to soon recover the Earth’s lushness and vitality. As she does so, Gaia learned not to make herself visible for all of her creation to see, but to reside tucked away inside her acreage like a farmer (in the ocean) as a scarecrow body keeps her rogue creations away.